Innovation, Technology & Law

Blog over Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum, Deep Learning, Blockchain en Big Data Law

Blog over juridische, sociale, ethische en policy aspecten van Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum Computing, Sensing & Communication, Augmented Reality en Robotica, Big Data Wetgeving en Machine Learning Regelgeving. Kennisartikelen inzake de EU AI Act, de Data Governance Act, cloud computing, algoritmes, privacy, virtual reality, blockchain, robotlaw, smart contracts, informatierecht, ICT contracten, online platforms, apps en tools. Europese regels, auteursrecht, chipsrecht, databankrechten en juridische diensten AI recht.

Data delen als voorwaarde voor een succesvol AI-ecosysteem

Trainingsdatasets voor kunstmatige intelligentie: enkele juridische aspecten

Data delen (data sharing) of liever het vermogen om hoge kwaliteit trainingsdatasets te kunnen analyseren om een AI model -zoals een generative adversarial network- te trainen, is een voorwaarde voor een succesvol AI-ecosysteem in Nederland.

In ons turbulente technologische tijdperk nemen fysieke aanknopingspunten als papier of tastbare producten binnen de context van data -of informatie- in belang af. Informatie is niet langer aan een continent, staat of plaats gebonden. Informatietechnologie zoals kunstmatige intelligentie ontwikkelt zich in een dermate hoog tempo, dat de juridische problemen die daaruit voortvloeien in belangrijke mate onvoorspelbaar zijn. Hierdoor ontstaan -kort gezegd- problemen voor tech startups en scaleups.

In dit artikel een serie -mede in onderlinge samenhang te beschouwen aanbevelingen, suggesties en inventieve oplossingen om anno 2020 tot waardevolle nationale en Europese dataketens te komen.

Data donor codicil

Introductie van een Europees (of nationaal) data donor codicil waarmee een patiënt of consument vrijwillig data kan doneren aan de overheid en/of het bedrijfsleven, AVG-proof. Hier kunnen waardeketens worden gecreëerd door de sensor data van medische Internet of Things (IoT) apparaten en smart wearables van overheidswege te accumuleren. Anoniem of met biomarkers.

Data interoperabel en gestandaardiseerd

Unificatie van data uitwisselingsmodellen zodat deze interoperabel en gestandaardiseerd worden in het IoT. Een voorbeeld is een Europees EPD (Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier), i.e een Electronic Healthcare Record (EMR). AI certificering en standaardisatie (zoals ISO, ANSI, IEEE / IEC) dient bij voorkeur niet te worden uitgevoerd door private partijen met commerciële doelstellingen, maar door onafhankelijke openbare instanties (vergelijk het Amerikaanse FDA).

Machine generated (non) personal data

Een andere categorisering die we kunnen maken is enerzijds publieke (in handen van de overheid) machine generated (non) personal data, en private machine generated (non) personal data. Met machine generated data bedoelen we met name informatie en gegevens die continue door edge devices worden gegenereerd in het Internet of Things (IoT). Deze edge devices staan via edge (of fod) nodes (zenders) in verbinding met datacenters die samen met edge servers de cloud vormen. Deze architectuur noemen we ook wel edge computing.

Juridische dimensie

Data, of informatie heeft een groot aantal juridische dimensies. Aan data delen kleven potentieel intellectueel eigendomsrechtelijke (verbodsrecht en vergoedingsrecht), ethische, grondrechtelijke (privacy, vrijheid van meningsuiting), contractenrechtelijke en internationaal handelsrechtelijke aspecten. Juridisch eigendom op data bestaat anno 2020 niet omdat het -vanuit goederenrechtelijk oogpunt- niet als zaak wordt gekwalificeerd. Data heeft wel vermogensrechtelijke aspecten.

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Mauritz Kop becomes TTLF Fellow at Stanford University

AIRecht Partner joins Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank

Honoured and thrilled to join Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank and become TTLF Fellow at Stanford University. It is the Silicon Valley, California based Transatlantic Technology Law Forum’s objective to raise professional understanding and public awareness of transatlantic challenges in the field of law, science and technology, as well as to support policy-oriented research on transatlantic issues in the field.

Human Centred AI & IPR policy

My comparative, interdisciplinary research project focuses on Human Centred AI & IPR policy. How to realize an impactful transformative tech related IP (intellectual property) policy that facilitates an innovation optimum and protects our common Humanist moral values at the same time?

Focus beyond Intellectual Property Law

With an additional focus beyond IP, the research shall present ideas on how Europe and The United States could apply sustainable disruptive innovation policy pluralism (i.e. mix, match and layer IP alternatives such as competition law and government-market hybrids) to enable fair-trading conditions and balance the effects of exponential innovation within the Transatlantic markets. The research envisages that the presented ideas and viewpoints will be refined towards more actual policies in Brussels and Washington.

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Intellectual Property at Stanford Law School

USA IP Law at Stanford University

Stanford Law School has a long-standing tradition of sharing its expertise in Intellectual Property, Science and Technology law with legal professionals from around the world. In August 2019, AIRecht managing partner and strategic IP specialist Mauritz Kop had the pleasure to be part of a pre-selected international group of highly talented IP lawyers, counsels and scholars who had the opportunity to bring their professional skills to the next level and study complex IP issues related to Silicon Valley’s hi-tech industry, during an intensive international certificate summer program on U.S. IP law. The international professional American Intellectual Property Law Program at Stanford University is co-directed by Prof. Siegfried Fina, Prof. Mark Lemley and Dr. Roland Vogl.

SLS: A World’s Leading Law School at an Ivy Plus League University

Stanford University is an Ivy Plus League university. Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT and Columbia University are viewed as the most prestigious, ranked among the best universities worldwide and have connotations of academic excellence. SLS is one of the world’s leading law schools. The Faculty draws international top talent to its magnificent campus. Stanford Law School’s Program in Law, Science & Technology (LST) has been ranked regularly among the top three intellectual property law programs in the United States, together with the IP Programs (LL.M. and J.D.) of the University of California-Berkeley and the University of New York.

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Silicon Valley: AI Impact Assessment presented at Apple, Facebook and Stanford University

AIRecht presents ECP AIIA in Silicon Valley

On 23 August 2019, Mauritz Kop LL.M. had the honour to present the ECP AI Impact Assessment to front-running companies in Silicon Valley, in the amazing San Francisco Bay Area. AI should be a force for good and our Dutch risk-management tool can help with that. The AIIA is a first-of-its-kind guide for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence and includes 2 things: a practical Checklist from a legal, technical and ethical point of view (in line with the EU Trustworthy AI paradigm) and a concrete Code of Conduct for data scientists. On top of that, our AIRecht managing partner introduced the AIIA at Stanford University, in beautiful Palo Alto.

Stanford University Campus

Stanford University has a stunning campus. It offers exuberant nature, nice temperature and magnificent architecture. Innovation is in the air. During the graduation ceremony of a post-doctoral intellectual property course at Stanford Law School, Mauritz officially handed over an English hardcopy of the ECP AI Impact Assessment to Professor Siegfried Fina and Professor Roland Vogl, Program Directors at SLS. The Program focusses on ‘'Overview on U.S. IP Law’ with specific attention to high-tech IP issues, such as copyrights, trade secrets, patents, trademarks, licensing and venture capital. A wonderful place for learning, discovery, innovation, expression and discourse, at the highest academic level imaginable.

Transatlantic bridges

It was an incredibly inspiring visit to Silicon Valley. We have seen it with our own eyes now: the Bay Area truly is the innovation hub of the world, together with Massachusetts (Boston, Harvard, MIT). It offers excellent opportunities for tech start-ups to work together and brainstorm with the best qualified experts, and create partnerships with professionals in myriad industrial sectors and disciplines. We hope to be back soon to further strengthen EU-USA relationships, construct new partnerships, exchange talent and remove barriers to trade and collaboration across the Atlantic.

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Cursus AI, Data, Privacy en Innovatie in de Zorg

Suzan Slijpen, Sander Ruiter en Mauritz Kop over AI in de Zorg

Op 31 oktober 2019 gaven Suzan Slijpen, Sander Ruiter en Mauritz Kop een cursus AI, Data, Privacy en Innovatie in de Zorg in het Maasstad Ziekenhuis Rotterdam. Wij waren daar te gast op uitnodiging van Quint Wellington Redwood, een leading consultancy firm die organisaties ondersteunt bij het ontwerpen en operationaliseren van hun digitale strategie waarbij mensen, processen en technologie centraal staan.

Gebruik van patiëntgegevens, medische hulpmiddelen, datadelen, privacy & AI in het ziekenhuis

Doel van cursus was om helderheid te scheppen in de wettelijke regels over het gebruik van patiëntgegevens, datadelen, eigendom van trainingsdatasets, medical devices, privacy en artificiële intelligentie in het ziekenhuis. AIRecht werd ingeschakeld om expertise te geven over dit complexe en uitdagende onderwerp. Om barrières weg te nemen voor innovatie. Onder de aanwezigen waren het Maasstad Ziekenhuis Rotterdam management team, de CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), enkele artsen, radiologen en verpleegkundigen. Ook waren er data scientists uitgenodigd van Parnassia Groep, specialisten in geestelijke gezondheid.

Keynote Digitale Zorg - Medical Devices, Patiëntdata, MDR & AVG

Nieuwe Europese regelgeving (MDR) voor Medical Devices waaronder zorgrobots, medische producten, hulpmiddelen en medische software vanuit een AI-helicopterview, die in 2020 in Nederland van kracht wordt. Verhouding tussen de AVG en de MDR. Gebruik en uitwisseling van patiëntdata, informatiebeveiliging en digitale zorg: wat mag er wel en niet op basis van de Europese Privacywetgeving (AVG/GDPR)?

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Dutch AI Coalition and Strategic Action Plan Artificial Intelligence

State Secretary Mona Keijzer launches Dutch AI Coalition and presents Strategic Action Plan AI for The Netherlands

65 Organizations, including our company AIRecht, are joining forces to ensure that the Netherlands becomes a major player in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Kick-off Dutch AI Coalition

More than 65 parties from the business community, government, education and research institutions and social organizations have joined the Dutch AI Coalition that launched on 8 October 2019. The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC / Nederlandse AI Coalitie) is a public-private partnership that functions as the catalyst for AI in The Netherlands. From leading multinationals IBM, Philips, Seedlink, Rabobank, KLM, Delft University and Amsterdam University, numerous SMEs to the police and knowledge institutions such as TNO and CLAIRE.

Strategic Action Plan AI of the Dutch Government (SAPAI)

It was a great day for AI-policy and technology driven innovation in The Netherlands. The Strategic Action Plan AI of the Dutch Government (SAPAI) follows a coordinated AI-policy approach on 3 tracks, including the implementation of knowledge and innovation agendas per industry sector (Health, AgriFood, Energy, Mobility), top research in the field of AI, the stimulation of AI entrepreneurship, the promotion of consumer rights and fair digital competition on online platforms, as well as safeguarding public values, human rights and fundamental freedoms through responsible and trustworthy tech, based on our shared European legal and ethical values.

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Suzan Slijpen Conference Speaker at the National University of Ireland

Legal Aspects of AI in Healthcare

On 16 August 2019, Suzan Slijpen LL.M. had the honour to speak about the legal aspects of the development and use of artificial intelligence (a disruptive technology) in healthcare, at the AI in Medicine Conference organized by the Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine (IAPM). The conference took place in Galway, at the National University of Ireland (School of Physics, NUI Galway/ OÉ Gaillimh). Suzan is a senior legal consultant at, and specializes in eHealth & medical devices, pharmaceutical law, European food law and contract law, from an AI helicopterview. She is also founder and lawyer at boutique law office Slijpen Legal.

Key topics of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine lecture

Key legal topics that Suzan addressed in her Artificial Intelligence in Medicine lecture:

1. AI & Robotics: Disruptive Technologies: Synergetic effects of 4th Industrial Revolution technologies like robotics, big data, quantum computing, Blockchain, Virtual Reality (VR) and Internet of Things (IoT).

2. eHealth and medical devices: legal classification.

3. Fundamental Rights: Safeguarding of Fundamental Rights in AI applications, Rights of Patients.

4. Ethics and responsible AI: 1791 French Revolution Values, HLEG Concept of Trustworthy AI.

5. Intellectual Property on AI and Health Apps: Licensing your IP.

6. Liability for damages caused by smart robots: who is liable for misdiagnosis by an AI algorithm?

7. Legislation and Jurisprudence.

8. AI Impact Assessment: remove roadblocks for AI.

Legislation and regulations regarding AI in Healthcare

Do you want to know more about legislation and regulations regarding AI in Healthcare, or Legal aspects of disruptive tech in Medicine? Or do you want to organize a workshop or conference yourself and invite us as a speaker or teacher? Then please contact us about the possibilities!

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AI & Intellectual Property: Towards an Articulated Public Domain

New peer reviewed research article: ‘AI & Intellectual Property: Towards an Articulated Public Domain’ (download)

By Mauritz Kop

Link & citation at Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (TIPLJ): 28 Tex. Intell. Prop. L. J. 297 (2020)

Link SSRN:

The article has been published in the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (2020, 28). TIPLJ is published in cooperation with the State Bar of Texas three times per year at the University of Texas School of Law. The Journal is the official journal of the State Bar of Texas Intellectual Property Law Section.

Res Publicae ex Machina (Public Property from the Machine)

Building upon the doctrinal body of knowledge, the article introduces a new public domain model for AI Creations and Inventions that crossed the autonomy threshold (i.e. no sufficient amount of human intervention that can be linked to the output): Res Publicae ex Machina (Public Property from the Machine). It includes examples.

Intellectual property framework AI systems

Besides that, the article describes the current legal framework regarding authorship and ownership of AI Creations, legal personhood, patents on AI Inventions, types of IP rights on the various components of the AI system itself (including Digital Twin technology), clearance of training data and data ownership.

Compact Artificial Intelligence & IP overview analysis

Main goal of this research is to offer an accessible, relatively compact Artificial Intelligence (AI) & IP overview analysis and in doing so, to provide some food for thought to interdisciplinary thinkers and policy makers in the IP, tech, privacy and freedom of information field.

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AI Trade Mission to Boston with Prime Minister Mark Rutte lawyers Mauritz Kop and Suzan Slijpen joined the Dutch AI trade mission to Boston, Massachusetts led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Bruno Bruins. It was a big success. We visited leading companies in health care, climate, and robotics and AI and participated in high quality meetings and events at -inter alia- Harvard Wyss Institute, MIT, IBM Watson, Amazon Robotics, Humatics and Philips Healthworks R&D HQ USA.

AI-Chefsache interview

During debriefing at the Museum of Fine Arts & Koch Gallery, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Mauritz Kop reflected on AI becoming Chefsache, the concept of Trustworthy AI, exporting European ethical values to the USA via the Dutch AI Impact Assessment (ECP), and building a strong and vibrant AI ecosystem in The Netherlands. website included in IBM Watson presentation

We were honoured and thrilled to see that Nicola Palmarini, Global Manager AI for Healthy Aging IBM Research - MIT/IBM Watson AI Lab Cambridge and Tedx Speaker, included our website in his presentation about the moral, legal and ethical implications of AI, at IBM Watson Health Experience Centre.

Building on shared expierences

Learning and building on shared experiences is a two way street. During the mission, we gathered knowledge of the technological state of the art in Robotics & AI. We shared our own latest research insights on AI & IP, open access, public domain and ethics that facilitate innovation with influential academic institutions and ambitious, frontrunning entrepreneurs. This blog contains a photo report of our economic mission to the beautiful city of Boston.

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Transparantie en uitlegbaarheid van AI algoritmes

Tijdens het Platform ECP event ‘Transparantie en uitlegbaarheid van AI algoritmes’ gaf AIRecht Managing Partner en lid van de Werkgroep Kunstmatige Intelligentie Mauritz Kop op 27 juni 2019 in Den Haag een korte presentatie over de eerste Europese AI Alliance Conferentie te Brussel, en de aldaar door HLEG Chair Pekka Ala-Pietilä aan EU Commissaris Mariya Gabriel gepresenteerde Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI.

Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI

De Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI van de onafhankelijke High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) bevatten 33 punten, waaronder 11 key takeways die Europese Artificiële Intelligentie naar duurzaamheid, groei en competitiveness moeten leiden. Best practices en Codes of Conduct zoals het ECP AI Impact Assessment spelen in daarin een prominente rol.

Succesvolle eerste Europese AI Alliance Assembly in Brussel

De HLEG kan terugkijken op een succesvolle eerste editie van de Europese AI Alliantie Conferentie in Brussel, die gehouden werd op 26 juni 2019. Tijdens de Assembly - die ook online werd gestreamd - werden de nieuwste prestaties in het AI-beleid en de toekomstperspectieven van de Europese strategie voor kunstmatige intelligentie besproken (i.e. sociale, mensgerichte AI die fundamentele rechten en vrijheden respecteert), inclusief de impact ervan op onze economie en samenleving.

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