Innovation, Technology & Law

Blog over Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum, Deep Learning, Blockchain en Big Data Law

Blog over juridische, sociale, ethische en policy aspecten van Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum Computing, Sensing & Communication, Augmented Reality en Robotica, Big Data Wetgeving en Machine Learning Regelgeving. Kennisartikelen inzake de EU AI Act, de Data Governance Act, cloud computing, algoritmes, privacy, virtual reality, blockchain, robotlaw, smart contracts, informatierecht, ICT contracten, online platforms, apps en tools. Europese regels, auteursrecht, chipsrecht, databankrechten en juridische diensten AI recht.

Berichten met de tag Law
Mauritz Kop Visiting Quantum & Law Scholar at Stanford Law School

Mauritz Kop is Visiting Quantum & Law Scholar at Stanford Law School in 2022-2023. Kop was invited by Prof. Mark Lemley, the William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and the Director of the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology.

Advanced legal research on Regulating Quantum technology at Stanford Law School

This Stanford Law School ‘Regulating Quantum Technology’ research project will perform a detailed study of how to sensibly regulate the suite of quantum technologies including computing, sensing and networking, unifying the world of the large with that of the small. It intends to answer questions on how our innovation architecture should be constructed, so that benefits of quantum computing, sensing, simulation, and communication -including quantum-AI hybrids- will be distributed equitably, and risks proportionally addressed. Building upon foundational work done on quantum and AI innovation policy mechanisms, national security strategy, standardization & certification, ethics, responsible quantum R&D, governance principles, technology impact assessments, data ownership and intellectual property in quantum software and hardware structures - published in flagship Journals at Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Physics World, Max Planck, Springer Nature, and Oxford - the transdisciplinary research aims to develop an integrated, holistic vision on smart governance and regulation of quantum & AI infused digital transformation.

Happy to speak at a number of in person events in the nexus of AI, Quantum & Law in the coming weeks:

Scarcity, Regulation and the Abundance Society Roundtable at Stanford

1. April 22, Scarcity, Regulation and the Abundance Society Roundtable at Stanford, where I will present a chapter titled ‘Abundance & Equality’ for the book project co-edited by Mark Lemley and Deven Desai. The chapter connects good governance to the end of scarcity and unifies equality with technology driven abundance, by introducing a novel Post-Rawlsian Equal Relative Abundance (ERA) principle of distributive justice. As befits tradition, we will insert musical interludes for piano, with me performing ‘Stanford Theme & Variations’ à l'improviste in the Stanford Law School Faculty Lounge.

Patenting Quantum Computing Technologies talk at Quantum & Law Conference in Lund

2. April 29, presenting our 'Patenting Quantum Computing Technologies and Market Power: A Quantitative Analysis' research together with my academic friends Profs Mateo Aboy (Cambridge) and Timo Minssen (Copenhagen) at the Quantum & Law Conference in Lund. We wrote 2 papers focusing on IP portfolio strategies, trade & state secrets, and their interface with antitrust regulations, utilizing industry and quantum domain specific mixed theoretical & empirical research methods.

EU AI Act Presentation at AI World Summit Americas in Montreal

3. May 4, I’ll present an overview of the EU AI Act with its ‘product safety framework’ and market entrance requirements, constructed around a set of 4 risk categories at the AI World Summit Americas in Montreal. We will discuss whether it provides a regulatory framework for AI that should be adopted globally during a Headline panel with Prof. Gillian Hadfield (Toronto) and Dr José-Marie Griffiths (President Dakota State), moderated by Meredith Broadbent (Washington).

Keynote Quantum Computing Ethics at IBM Research

4. May 17, I’ll give a keynote on Quantum Computing Ethics at IBM Research during their Tech for Racial and Social Justice Seminar (internal event), organized by Dr Aminat Adebiyi, moderated by Dr Mira Wolf-Bauwens, with whom I worked together on the WEF Quantum Computing Principles.

Quantum Impact Assessment (QIA)

5. We are creating a world’s first application-driven Quantum Impact Assessment (QIA) in The Netherlands -raising ELSA awareness and removing barriers for adoption of QT- with a diverse, multidisciplinary team lead by Prof. Bart Schermer (Leiden) and Daniël Frijters for the Centre for Quantum & Society, made possible by ECP and Quantum Delta NL.

Quantum-ELSPI special for Springer Nature with Luciano Floridi

6. Meanwhile I am editing the Quantum-ELSPI special for Springer Nature on the Ethical, Legal, Social and Policy Implications of Quantum Technology, together with EiC Prof. Luciano Floridi (Oxford).

More exciting projects soon ...

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Music Law at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague

Returning to my old flame for 1 day: looking forward to teaching music law at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague tomorrow!

It's nice not having to speak or write about AI, data or quantum technology for a change... ;)

Teaching music law at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague

I am giving an in person guest lecture to a small group of students at the Amare - Den Haag, and it is live streamed to the rest of the department. The Amare is home to Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) as well, one of the world’s leading contemporary dance & ballet companies, dedicated to creation, research, innovation and talent development.

Using self-produced audio fragments and practical examples, we cover 18 music law topics ranging from registering intellectual property rights to strategic contract negotiations. The tracks I prepared are played from my Powerpoint into a phenomenal pair of Bowers & Wilkins monitors, the ultimate sound system.

Looking back in nostalgia to the cross-disciplinary masterclasses I had the pleasure of teaching in recent years inter alia at Leiden University, Utrecht University and Conservatorium Maastricht.

CPO Radboud University seminar at Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam

Absolute highlight was the postgraduate CPO Radboud University seminar at Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam on music & law, which included a public domain quiz musically framed by an ad hoc ensemble of Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest musicians featuring the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Maarten Feteris on piano and me (Mauritz Kop) on clarinet es/bes, performing bespoke Mozart, Beethoven and Bach arrangements.

Kudos to the KonCon management for making sure their talented students have firsthand access to vital information about the inner workings of the music & entertainment industry!

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Quantum ELSPI: Ethical, Legal, Social and Policy Implications of Quantum Technology

Call for Papers Quantum ELSPI

Delighted to announce that the Quantum ELSPI call for papers is now open! AIRecht Director & Stanford Law School TTLF Fellow Mauritz Kop has the honor to guest-edit a Topical Collection for Digital Society, a new journal edited by Luciano Floridi (Oxford Internet Institute). This project is a Stanford/Oxford collaboration that aims to explore uncharted territories of Ethical, Legal, Social and Policy Implications of Quantum Technology. Articles should be submitted before 15 February 2022 and will be double blind peer reviewed. Accepted articles will be published by Springer Nature.

You can find the Quantum ELSPI collection page here:

Download the Springer Nature Quantum-ELSPI Call for Papers here: TC_Quantum ELSPI_Call for papers

ELSPI stratagems for quantum technology

Anticipating spectacular advancements in real-world quantum driven products and services, the time is ripe for governments, academia and the market to prepare regulatory and business strategies that balance their societal impact. This topical collection seeks to provide informed suggestions on how to maximize benefits and mitigate risks of applied quantum technology. It intends to deliver insights and actionable recommendations on how and when to address identified opportunities and challenges, which can then be refined into plausible, evidence-based policy decisions by stakeholders across the world.

Special edition of Digital Society

In this special edition of Digital Society, we aim for scholars to reflect on the multifaceted questions associated with Quantum ELSPI. In addition to learning from history and connecting quantum to other big picture trends, quantum should be treated as something completely unique and unprecedented. We especially welcome cross-disciplinary contributions that look beyond research silos and integrate law, economic theory, ethics, sociology, philosophy of science, quantum information science, and sustainable innovation policy, and that consider how to improve ELSPI stratagems for quantum technology. We encourage authors to be pioneers in this complex, and at times counterintuitive field.

Multifaceted questions associated with Quantum ELSPI

Questions and topics that could be addressed by contributions in the topical collection are not restricted to, but could include the following:

-Potential strategies for industries facing disruption such as the cybersecurity industry and financial institutions. What role could antitrust law, intellectual property, prizes, fines, funding, taxes, lifelong learning and labor mobility play while incentivizing innovation?

-How should dual use applications be managed? How do we balance freedom with control? What role could a Quantum Treaty play to make our world a safer place?

-The creation of a list of quantum-specific themes, goals, benefits and risks that need to be addressed by universal, overarching principles of responsible quantum design and application, including a definition of hi-risk quantum-systems.

-How can policy makers learn from history and adjacent fields - such as AI, biotechnology, nanotechnology, semiconductors and nuclear - when regulating exponential innovation and ensuring equal access to quantum computing, sensing and the quantum internet? How can winner take all effects and a quantum divide be prevented? To what extent does governing digitization driven by classical computing paradigms (binary digits) differ from governing quantum computing (qubits)?

-It is not inconceivable that the development and uptake of transnational quantum principles will run along the lines of democratic and authoritarian tech governance models. Against that background, how can we embed cultural norms, liberal values, democratic principles, human rights and fundamental freedoms in globally accepted interoperability standards?

-How can we implement ethically aligned design into our quantum systems architecture and infrastructure? How can quantum technology impact assessments help achieve these goals?

Guest-Editor Quantum ELSPI: Mauritz Kop (Stanford Law School, Stanford University)

Editor-in-Chief Digital Society: Luciano Floridi (Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University)

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Mauritz Kop becomes TTLF Fellow at Stanford University

AIRecht Partner joins Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank

Honoured and thrilled to join Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank and become TTLF Fellow at Stanford University. It is the Silicon Valley, California based Transatlantic Technology Law Forum’s objective to raise professional understanding and public awareness of transatlantic challenges in the field of law, science and technology, as well as to support policy-oriented research on transatlantic issues in the field.

Human Centred AI & IPR policy

My comparative, interdisciplinary research project focuses on Human Centred AI & IPR policy. How to realize an impactful transformative tech related IP (intellectual property) policy that facilitates an innovation optimum and protects our common Humanist moral values at the same time?

Focus beyond Intellectual Property Law

With an additional focus beyond IP, the research shall present ideas on how Europe and The United States could apply sustainable disruptive innovation policy pluralism (i.e. mix, match and layer IP alternatives such as competition law and government-market hybrids) to enable fair-trading conditions and balance the effects of exponential innovation within the Transatlantic markets. The research envisages that the presented ideas and viewpoints will be refined towards more actual policies in Brussels and Washington.

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AI Trade Mission to Boston with Prime Minister Mark Rutte lawyers Mauritz Kop and Suzan Slijpen joined the Dutch AI trade mission to Boston, Massachusetts led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Bruno Bruins. It was a big success. We visited leading companies in health care, climate, and robotics and AI and participated in high quality meetings and events at -inter alia- Harvard Wyss Institute, MIT, IBM Watson, Amazon Robotics, Humatics and Philips Healthworks R&D HQ USA.

AI-Chefsache interview

During debriefing at the Museum of Fine Arts & Koch Gallery, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Mauritz Kop reflected on AI becoming Chefsache, the concept of Trustworthy AI, exporting European ethical values to the USA via the Dutch AI Impact Assessment (ECP), and building a strong and vibrant AI ecosystem in The Netherlands. website included in IBM Watson presentation

We were honoured and thrilled to see that Nicola Palmarini, Global Manager AI for Healthy Aging IBM Research - MIT/IBM Watson AI Lab Cambridge and Tedx Speaker, included our website in his presentation about the moral, legal and ethical implications of AI, at IBM Watson Health Experience Centre.

Building on shared expierences

Learning and building on shared experiences is a two way street. During the mission, we gathered knowledge of the technological state of the art in Robotics & AI. We shared our own latest research insights on AI & IP, open access, public domain and ethics that facilitate innovation with influential academic institutions and ambitious, frontrunning entrepreneurs. This blog contains a photo report of our economic mission to the beautiful city of Boston.

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