Innovation, Technology & Law

Blog over Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum, Deep Learning, Blockchain en Big Data Law

Blog over juridische, sociale, ethische en policy aspecten van Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum Computing, Sensing & Communication, Augmented Reality en Robotica, Big Data Wetgeving en Machine Learning Regelgeving. Kennisartikelen inzake de EU AI Act, de Data Governance Act, cloud computing, algoritmes, privacy, virtual reality, blockchain, robotlaw, smart contracts, informatierecht, ICT contracten, online platforms, apps en tools. Europese regels, auteursrecht, chipsrecht, databankrechten en juridische diensten AI recht.

Berichten in Intellectual Property
Quantum Computing and Intellectual Property Law

Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2021

New Stanford University Beyond IP Innovation Law research article: “Quantum Computing and Intellectual Property Law”.

By Mauritz Kop

Citation: Kop, Mauritz, Quantum Computing and Intellectual Property Law (April 8, 2021). Berkeley Technology Law Journal 2021, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp 101-115, February 8, 2022,

Download the article here: Kop_QC and IP Law BTLJ

Please find a short abstract below:

Intellectual property (IP) rights & the Quantum Computer

What types of intellectual property (IP) rights can be vested in the components of a scalable quantum computer? Are there sufficient market-set innovation incentives for the development and dissemination of quantum software and hardware structures? Or is there a need for open source ecosystems, enrichment of the public domain and even democratization of quantum technology? The article explores possible answers to these tantalizing questions.

IP overprotection leads to exclusive exploitation rights for first movers

The article demonstrates that strategically using a mixture of IP rights to maximize the value of the IP portfolio of the quantum computer’s owner, potentially leads to IP protection in perpetuity. Overlapping IP protection regimes can result in unlimited duration of global exclusive exploitation rights for first movers, being a handful of universities and large corporations. The ensuing IP overprotection in the field of quantum computing leads to an unwanted concentration of market power. Overprotection of information causes market barriers and hinders both healthy competition and industry-specific innovation. In this particular case it slows down progress in an important application area of quantum technology, namely quantum computing.

Fair competition and antitrust laws for quantum technology

In general, our current IP framework is not written with quantum technology in mind. IP should be an exception -limited in time and scope- to the rule that information goods can be used for the common good without restraint. IP law cannot incentivize creation, prevent market failure, fix winner-takes-all effects, eliminate free riding and prohibit predatory market behavior at the same time. To encourage fair competition and correct market skewness, antitrust law is the instrument of choice.

Towards an innovation architecture that mixes freedom and control

The article proposes a solution tailored to the exponential pace of innovation in The Quantum Age, by introducing shorter IP protection durations of 3 to 10 years for Quantum and AI infused creations and inventions. These shorter terms could be made applicable to both the software and the hardware side of things. Clarity about the recommended limited durations of exclusive rights -in combination with compulsory licenses or fixed prized statutory licenses- encourages legal certainty, knowledge dissemination and follow on innovation within the quantum domain. In this light, policy makers should build an innovation architecture that mixes freedom (e.g. access, public domain) and control (e.g. incentive & reward mechanisms).

Creating a thriving global quantum ecosystem

The article concludes that anticipating spectacular advancements in quantum technology, the time is now ripe for governments, research institutions and the markets to prepare regulatory and IP strategies that strike the right balance between safeguarding our fundamental rights & freedoms, our democratic norms & standards, and pursued policy goals that include rapid technology transfer, the free flow of information and the creation of a thriving global quantum ecosystem, whilst encouraging healthy competition and incentivizing sustainable innovation.

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Workshop Juridische Aspecten AI & Data bij TNO - NL AIC Startups & Scaleups TekDelta Event

Op 24 september 2020 gaf Stanford Law School Fellow Mauritz Kop een masterclass over de juridische dimensie van kunstmatige intelligentie en informatie aan de getalenteerde deelnemers van de Werkgroep Startups & Scaleups van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC), in het kantoor van TNO Research in Den Haag. De workshop maakte onderdeel uit van het TekDelta | NL AIC startup accelerator event, met als centraal thema het versnellen en faciliteren van innovatie door het verbinden van startende ondernemingen met bestaande leading organisaties met slagkracht: het samen bouwen aan een succesvol high tech ecosysteem in Nederland.

Masterclass 'Juridische Aspecten van AI & Data’

De 2,5 uur durende masterclass 'Juridische Aspecten van AI & Data' bij TNO verschafte de cursisten duidelijkheid over de regels voor data delen, privacy en gegevensbescherming, alsmede juridisch en economisch eigendom van informatie. We behandelden onderwerpen variërend van de bescherming van intellectueel eigendom op het AI-systeem, de software, hardware en apps, clearance van data tot het anticiperen op de aanstaande AI & Data Governance wetten van de Europese Commissie.

Multidisciplinair Panel voor Verantwoord Data Delen

Dezelfde middag vond er vanuit het TNO gebouw een online seminar plaats speciaal voor startups, onder leiding van Anita Lieverdink, Senior Orchestrator of Innovation at TNO, Directeur van TekDelta en Program Manager van de Werkgroep Startps & Scaleups van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie.

AIRecht managing partner Mr. Kop nam als juridisch expert deel in het panel dat ging over verantwoord data delen. Het was goed om deel te nemen aan dit multidisciplinaire panel en samen met onze collega's oplossingen te verkennen voor het versneld en verantwoord delen van gegevens. Het is cruciaal en urgent om belemmeringen voor de inzet van benevolente AI weg te nemen en organisaties begeleiding te bieden die rechtszekerheid en vertrouwen in de snelle introductie van deze veelbelovende transformatieve technologie aanmoedigt!

Juridische Cursussen van AIRecht

Onze cursussen ‘AI en Recht – Juridische aspecten van AI, Machine Learning en Data’ bieden een compleet overzicht van de juridische facetten van kunstmatige intelligentie, big (structured/labelled en unstructured, raw) data en de verschillende typen machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, deep reinforcement, transfer, federated). De invalshoek is breed: van beschermen idee tot en met marktintroductie van het product. Cursusdoel is het wegnemen van juridische obstakels voor innovatie. Onderwerpen die hierbij aan de orde komen zijn privacywetgeving, het maximaliseren van uw IP-portfolio (intellectueel eigendom), normering, standaardisering (interoperabiliteit) en certificering (CE mark, keurmerken, conformiteit), het stimuleren van internationaal zakendoen, en het realiseren van (training)data delen op basis van EU regelgeving, licenties, toestemmingen en rechtsgeldige contracten. Maatwerk is mogelijk.

De workshops en masterclasses zijn cross-disciplinair en verbinden de ontwikkeling en toepassing van technologie met geldend nationaal en EU recht.

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Shaping the Law of AI: Transatlantic Perspectives

Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, TTLF Working Papers No. 65, Stanford University (2020).

New Stanford innovation policy research: “Shaping the Law of AI: Transatlantic Perspectives”.

Download the article here: Kop_Shaping the Law of AI-Stanford Law

The race for AI dominance

The race for AI dominance is a competition in values, as much as a competition in technology. In light of global power shifts and altering geopolitical relations, it is indispensable for the EU and the U.S to build a transatlantic sustainable innovation ecosystem together, based on both strategic autonomy, mutual economic interests and shared democratic & constitutional values. Discussing available informed policy variations to achieve this ecosystem, will contribute to the establishment of an underlying unified innovation friendly regulatory framework for AI & data. In such a unified framework, the rights and freedoms we cherish, play a central role. Designing joint, flexible governance solutions that can deal with rapidly changing exponential innovation challenges, can assist in bringing back harmony, confidence, competitiveness and resilience to the various areas of the transatlantic markets.

25 AI & data regulatory recommendations

Currently, the European Commission (EC) is drafting its Law of AI. This article gives 25 AI & data regulatory recommendations to the EC, in response to its Inception Impact Assessment on the “Artificial intelligence – ethical and legal requirements” legislative proposal. In addition to a set of fundamental, overarching core AI rules, the article suggests a differentiated industry-specific approach regarding incentives and risks.

European AI legal-ethical framework

Lastly, the article explores how the upcoming European AI legal-ethical framework’s norms, standards, principles and values can be connected to the United States, from a transatlantic, comparative law perspective. When shaping the Law of AI, we should have a clear vision in our minds of the type of society we want, and the things we care so deeply about in the Information Age, at both sides of the Ocean.

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The Right to Process Data for Machine Learning Purposes in the EU

Harvard Law School, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology (JOLT) Volume 34, Digest Spring 2021

New interdisciplinary Stanford University AI & Law research article: “The Right to Process Data for Machine Learning Purposes in the EU”.

Download the article here: Kop_The Right to Process Data-Harvard

Data Act & European data-driven economy

Europe is now at a crucial juncture in deciding how to deploy data driven technologies in ways that encourage democracy, prosperity and the well-being of European citizens. The upcoming European Data Act provides a major window of opportunity to change the story. In this respect, it is key that the European Commission takes firm action, removes overbearing policy and regulatory obstacles, strenuously harmonizes relevant legislation and provides concrete incentives and mechanisms for access, sharing and re-use of data. The article argues that to ensure an efficiently functioning European data-driven economy, a new and as yet unused term must be introduced to the field of AI & law: the right to process data for machine learning purposes.

The state can implement new modalities of property

Data has become a primary resource that should not be enclosed or commodified per se, but used for the common good. Commons based production and data for social good initiatives should be stimulated by the state. We need not to think in terms of exclusive, private property on data, but in terms of rights and freedoms to use, (modalities of) access, process and share data. If necessary and desirable for the progress of society, the state can implement new forms of property. Against this background the article explores normative justifications for open innovation and shifts in the (intellectual) property paradigm, drawing inspiration from the works of canonical thinkers such as Locke, Marx, Kant and Hegel.

Ius utendi et fruendi for primary resource data

The article maintains that there should be exceptions to (de facto, economic or legal) ownership claims on data that provide user rights and freedom to operate in the setting of AI model training. It concludes that this exception is conceivable as a legal concept analogous to a quasi, imperfect usufruct in the form of a right to process data for machine learning purposes. A combination of usus and fructus (ius utendi et fruendi), not for land but for primary resource data. A right to process data that works within the context of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT), and that fits in the EU acquis communautaire. Such a right makes access, sharing and re-use of data possible, and helps to fulfil the European Strategy for Data’s desiderata.

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Mauritz Kop becomes TTLF Fellow at Stanford University

AIRecht Partner joins Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank

Honoured and thrilled to join Stanford Law School’s Transatlantic Thinktank and become TTLF Fellow at Stanford University. It is the Silicon Valley, California based Transatlantic Technology Law Forum’s objective to raise professional understanding and public awareness of transatlantic challenges in the field of law, science and technology, as well as to support policy-oriented research on transatlantic issues in the field.

Human Centred AI & IPR policy

My comparative, interdisciplinary research project focuses on Human Centred AI & IPR policy. How to realize an impactful transformative tech related IP (intellectual property) policy that facilitates an innovation optimum and protects our common Humanist moral values at the same time?

Focus beyond Intellectual Property Law

With an additional focus beyond IP, the research shall present ideas on how Europe and The United States could apply sustainable disruptive innovation policy pluralism (i.e. mix, match and layer IP alternatives such as competition law and government-market hybrids) to enable fair-trading conditions and balance the effects of exponential innovation within the Transatlantic markets. The research envisages that the presented ideas and viewpoints will be refined towards more actual policies in Brussels and Washington.

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Intellectual Property at Stanford Law School

USA IP Law at Stanford University

Stanford Law School has a long-standing tradition of sharing its expertise in Intellectual Property, Science and Technology law with legal professionals from around the world. In August 2019, AIRecht managing partner and strategic IP specialist Mauritz Kop had the pleasure to be part of a pre-selected international group of highly talented IP lawyers, counsels and scholars who had the opportunity to bring their professional skills to the next level and study complex IP issues related to Silicon Valley’s hi-tech industry, during an intensive international certificate summer program on U.S. IP law. The international professional American Intellectual Property Law Program at Stanford University is co-directed by Prof. Siegfried Fina, Prof. Mark Lemley and Dr. Roland Vogl.

SLS: A World’s Leading Law School at an Ivy Plus League University

Stanford University is an Ivy Plus League university. Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT and Columbia University are viewed as the most prestigious, ranked among the best universities worldwide and have connotations of academic excellence. SLS is one of the world’s leading law schools. The Faculty draws international top talent to its magnificent campus. Stanford Law School’s Program in Law, Science & Technology (LST) has been ranked regularly among the top three intellectual property law programs in the United States, together with the IP Programs (LL.M. and J.D.) of the University of California-Berkeley and the University of New York.

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Cursus AI, Data, Privacy en Innovatie in de Zorg

Suzan Slijpen, Sander Ruiter en Mauritz Kop over AI in de Zorg

Op 31 oktober 2019 gaven Suzan Slijpen, Sander Ruiter en Mauritz Kop een cursus AI, Data, Privacy en Innovatie in de Zorg in het Maasstad Ziekenhuis Rotterdam. Wij waren daar te gast op uitnodiging van Quint Wellington Redwood, een leading consultancy firm die organisaties ondersteunt bij het ontwerpen en operationaliseren van hun digitale strategie waarbij mensen, processen en technologie centraal staan.

Gebruik van patiëntgegevens, medische hulpmiddelen, datadelen, privacy & AI in het ziekenhuis

Doel van cursus was om helderheid te scheppen in de wettelijke regels over het gebruik van patiëntgegevens, datadelen, eigendom van trainingsdatasets, medical devices, privacy en artificiële intelligentie in het ziekenhuis. AIRecht werd ingeschakeld om expertise te geven over dit complexe en uitdagende onderwerp. Om barrières weg te nemen voor innovatie. Onder de aanwezigen waren het Maasstad Ziekenhuis Rotterdam management team, de CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), enkele artsen, radiologen en verpleegkundigen. Ook waren er data scientists uitgenodigd van Parnassia Groep, specialisten in geestelijke gezondheid.

Keynote Digitale Zorg - Medical Devices, Patiëntdata, MDR & AVG

Nieuwe Europese regelgeving (MDR) voor Medical Devices waaronder zorgrobots, medische producten, hulpmiddelen en medische software vanuit een AI-helicopterview, die in 2020 in Nederland van kracht wordt. Verhouding tussen de AVG en de MDR. Gebruik en uitwisseling van patiëntdata, informatiebeveiliging en digitale zorg: wat mag er wel en niet op basis van de Europese Privacywetgeving (AVG/GDPR)?

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Suzan Slijpen Conference Speaker at the National University of Ireland

Legal Aspects of AI in Healthcare

On 16 August 2019, Suzan Slijpen LL.M. had the honour to speak about the legal aspects of the development and use of artificial intelligence (a disruptive technology) in healthcare, at the AI in Medicine Conference organized by the Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine (IAPM). The conference took place in Galway, at the National University of Ireland (School of Physics, NUI Galway/ OÉ Gaillimh). Suzan is a senior legal consultant at, and specializes in eHealth & medical devices, pharmaceutical law, European food law and contract law, from an AI helicopterview. She is also founder and lawyer at boutique law office Slijpen Legal.

Key topics of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine lecture

Key legal topics that Suzan addressed in her Artificial Intelligence in Medicine lecture:

1. AI & Robotics: Disruptive Technologies: Synergetic effects of 4th Industrial Revolution technologies like robotics, big data, quantum computing, Blockchain, Virtual Reality (VR) and Internet of Things (IoT).

2. eHealth and medical devices: legal classification.

3. Fundamental Rights: Safeguarding of Fundamental Rights in AI applications, Rights of Patients.

4. Ethics and responsible AI: 1791 French Revolution Values, HLEG Concept of Trustworthy AI.

5. Intellectual Property on AI and Health Apps: Licensing your IP.

6. Liability for damages caused by smart robots: who is liable for misdiagnosis by an AI algorithm?

7. Legislation and Jurisprudence.

8. AI Impact Assessment: remove roadblocks for AI.

Legislation and regulations regarding AI in Healthcare

Do you want to know more about legislation and regulations regarding AI in Healthcare, or Legal aspects of disruptive tech in Medicine? Or do you want to organize a workshop or conference yourself and invite us as a speaker or teacher? Then please contact us about the possibilities!

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