Innovation, Technology & Law

Blog over Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum, Deep Learning, Blockchain en Big Data Law

Blog over juridische, sociale, ethische en policy aspecten van Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Quantum Computing, Sensing & Communication, Augmented Reality en Robotica, Big Data Wetgeving en Machine Learning Regelgeving. Kennisartikelen inzake de EU AI Act, de Data Governance Act, cloud computing, algoritmes, privacy, virtual reality, blockchain, robotlaw, smart contracts, informatierecht, ICT contracten, online platforms, apps en tools. Europese regels, auteursrecht, chipsrecht, databankrechten en juridische diensten AI recht.

Berichten met de tag Trustworthy AI
Workshop Juridische Aspecten AI & Data bij TNO - NL AIC Startups & Scaleups TekDelta Event

Op 24 september 2020 gaf Stanford Law School Fellow Mauritz Kop een masterclass over de juridische dimensie van kunstmatige intelligentie en informatie aan de getalenteerde deelnemers van de Werkgroep Startups & Scaleups van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC), in het kantoor van TNO Research in Den Haag. De workshop maakte onderdeel uit van het TekDelta | NL AIC startup accelerator event, met als centraal thema het versnellen en faciliteren van innovatie door het verbinden van startende ondernemingen met bestaande leading organisaties met slagkracht: het samen bouwen aan een succesvol high tech ecosysteem in Nederland.

Masterclass 'Juridische Aspecten van AI & Data’

De 2,5 uur durende masterclass 'Juridische Aspecten van AI & Data' bij TNO verschafte de cursisten duidelijkheid over de regels voor data delen, privacy en gegevensbescherming, alsmede juridisch en economisch eigendom van informatie. We behandelden onderwerpen variërend van de bescherming van intellectueel eigendom op het AI-systeem, de software, hardware en apps, clearance van data tot het anticiperen op de aanstaande AI & Data Governance wetten van de Europese Commissie.

Multidisciplinair Panel voor Verantwoord Data Delen

Dezelfde middag vond er vanuit het TNO gebouw een online seminar plaats speciaal voor startups, onder leiding van Anita Lieverdink, Senior Orchestrator of Innovation at TNO, Directeur van TekDelta en Program Manager van de Werkgroep Startps & Scaleups van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie.

AIRecht managing partner Mr. Kop nam als juridisch expert deel in het panel dat ging over verantwoord data delen. Het was goed om deel te nemen aan dit multidisciplinaire panel en samen met onze collega's oplossingen te verkennen voor het versneld en verantwoord delen van gegevens. Het is cruciaal en urgent om belemmeringen voor de inzet van benevolente AI weg te nemen en organisaties begeleiding te bieden die rechtszekerheid en vertrouwen in de snelle introductie van deze veelbelovende transformatieve technologie aanmoedigt!

Juridische Cursussen van AIRecht

Onze cursussen ‘AI en Recht – Juridische aspecten van AI, Machine Learning en Data’ bieden een compleet overzicht van de juridische facetten van kunstmatige intelligentie, big (structured/labelled en unstructured, raw) data en de verschillende typen machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, deep reinforcement, transfer, federated). De invalshoek is breed: van beschermen idee tot en met marktintroductie van het product. Cursusdoel is het wegnemen van juridische obstakels voor innovatie. Onderwerpen die hierbij aan de orde komen zijn privacywetgeving, het maximaliseren van uw IP-portfolio (intellectueel eigendom), normering, standaardisering (interoperabiliteit) en certificering (CE mark, keurmerken, conformiteit), het stimuleren van internationaal zakendoen, en het realiseren van (training)data delen op basis van EU regelgeving, licenties, toestemmingen en rechtsgeldige contracten. Maatwerk is mogelijk.

De workshops en masterclasses zijn cross-disciplinair en verbinden de ontwikkeling en toepassing van technologie met geldend nationaal en EU recht.

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Shaping the Law of AI: Transatlantic Perspectives

Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, TTLF Working Papers No. 65, Stanford University (2020).

New Stanford innovation policy research: “Shaping the Law of AI: Transatlantic Perspectives”.

Download the article here: Kop_Shaping the Law of AI-Stanford Law

The race for AI dominance

The race for AI dominance is a competition in values, as much as a competition in technology. In light of global power shifts and altering geopolitical relations, it is indispensable for the EU and the U.S to build a transatlantic sustainable innovation ecosystem together, based on both strategic autonomy, mutual economic interests and shared democratic & constitutional values. Discussing available informed policy variations to achieve this ecosystem, will contribute to the establishment of an underlying unified innovation friendly regulatory framework for AI & data. In such a unified framework, the rights and freedoms we cherish, play a central role. Designing joint, flexible governance solutions that can deal with rapidly changing exponential innovation challenges, can assist in bringing back harmony, confidence, competitiveness and resilience to the various areas of the transatlantic markets.

25 AI & data regulatory recommendations

Currently, the European Commission (EC) is drafting its Law of AI. This article gives 25 AI & data regulatory recommendations to the EC, in response to its Inception Impact Assessment on the “Artificial intelligence – ethical and legal requirements” legislative proposal. In addition to a set of fundamental, overarching core AI rules, the article suggests a differentiated industry-specific approach regarding incentives and risks.

European AI legal-ethical framework

Lastly, the article explores how the upcoming European AI legal-ethical framework’s norms, standards, principles and values can be connected to the United States, from a transatlantic, comparative law perspective. When shaping the Law of AI, we should have a clear vision in our minds of the type of society we want, and the things we care so deeply about in the Information Age, at both sides of the Ocean.

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Machine Learning & EU Data Sharing Practices

Stanford - Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, Transatlantic Antitrust and IPR Developments, Stanford University, Issue No. 1/2020

New multidisciplinary research article: ‘Machine Learning & EU Data Sharing Practices’.

Download the article here: Kop_Machine Learning and EU Data Sharing Practices-Stanford University

In short, the article connects the dots between intellectual property (IP) on data, data ownership and data protection (GDPR and FFD), in an easy to understand manner. It also provides AI and Data policy and regulatory recommendations to the EU legislature.

As we all know, machine learning & data science can help accelerate many aspects of the development of drugs, antibody prophylaxis, serology tests and vaccines.

Supervised machine learning needs annotated training datasets

Data sharing is a prerequisite for a successful Transatlantic AI ecosystem. Hand-labelled, annotated training datasets (corpora) are a sine qua non for supervised machine learning. But what about intellectual property (IP) and data protection?

Data that represent IP subject matter are protected by IP rights. Unlicensed (or uncleared) use of machine learning input data potentially results in an avalanche of copyright (reproduction right) and database right (extraction right) infringements. The article offers three solutions that address the input (training) data copyright clearance problem and create breathing room for AI developers.

The article contends that introducing an absolute data property right or a (neighbouring) data producer right for augmented machine learning training corpora or other classes of data is not opportune.

Legal reform and data-driven economy

In an era of exponential innovation, it is urgent and opportune that both the TSD, the CDSM and the DD shall be reformed by the EU Commission with the data-driven economy in mind.

Freedom of expression and information, public domain, competition law

Implementing a sui generis system of protection for AI-generated Creations & Inventions is -in most industrial sectors- not necessary since machines do not need incentives to create or invent. Where incentives are needed, IP alternatives exist. Autonomously generated non-personal data should fall into the public domain. The article argues that strengthening and articulation of competition law is more opportune than extending IP rights.

Data protection and privacy

More and more datasets consist of both personal and non-personal machine generated data. Both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Regulation on the free flow of non-personal data (FFD) apply to these ‘mixed datasets’.

Besides the legal dimensions, the article describes the technical dimensions of data in machine learning and federated learning.

Modalities of future AI-regulation

Society should actively shape technology for good. The alternative is that other societies, with different social norms and democratic standards, impose their values on us through the design of their technology. With built-in public values, including Privacy by Design that safeguards data protection, data security and data access rights, the federated learning model is consistent with Human-Centered AI and the European Trustworthy AI paradigm.

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AI Trade Mission to Boston with Prime Minister Mark Rutte lawyers Mauritz Kop and Suzan Slijpen joined the Dutch AI trade mission to Boston, Massachusetts led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Bruno Bruins. It was a big success. We visited leading companies in health care, climate, and robotics and AI and participated in high quality meetings and events at -inter alia- Harvard Wyss Institute, MIT, IBM Watson, Amazon Robotics, Humatics and Philips Healthworks R&D HQ USA.

AI-Chefsache interview

During debriefing at the Museum of Fine Arts & Koch Gallery, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Mauritz Kop reflected on AI becoming Chefsache, the concept of Trustworthy AI, exporting European ethical values to the USA via the Dutch AI Impact Assessment (ECP), and building a strong and vibrant AI ecosystem in The Netherlands. website included in IBM Watson presentation

We were honoured and thrilled to see that Nicola Palmarini, Global Manager AI for Healthy Aging IBM Research - MIT/IBM Watson AI Lab Cambridge and Tedx Speaker, included our website in his presentation about the moral, legal and ethical implications of AI, at IBM Watson Health Experience Centre.

Building on shared expierences

Learning and building on shared experiences is a two way street. During the mission, we gathered knowledge of the technological state of the art in Robotics & AI. We shared our own latest research insights on AI & IP, open access, public domain and ethics that facilitate innovation with influential academic institutions and ambitious, frontrunning entrepreneurs. This blog contains a photo report of our economic mission to the beautiful city of Boston.

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Transparantie en uitlegbaarheid van AI algoritmes

Tijdens het Platform ECP event ‘Transparantie en uitlegbaarheid van AI algoritmes’ gaf AIRecht Managing Partner en lid van de Werkgroep Kunstmatige Intelligentie Mauritz Kop op 27 juni 2019 in Den Haag een korte presentatie over de eerste Europese AI Alliance Conferentie te Brussel, en de aldaar door HLEG Chair Pekka Ala-Pietilä aan EU Commissaris Mariya Gabriel gepresenteerde Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI.

Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI

De Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI van de onafhankelijke High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) bevatten 33 punten, waaronder 11 key takeways die Europese Artificiële Intelligentie naar duurzaamheid, groei en competitiveness moeten leiden. Best practices en Codes of Conduct zoals het ECP AI Impact Assessment spelen in daarin een prominente rol.

Succesvolle eerste Europese AI Alliance Assembly in Brussel

De HLEG kan terugkijken op een succesvolle eerste editie van de Europese AI Alliantie Conferentie in Brussel, die gehouden werd op 26 juni 2019. Tijdens de Assembly - die ook online werd gestreamd - werden de nieuwste prestaties in het AI-beleid en de toekomstperspectieven van de Europese strategie voor kunstmatige intelligentie besproken (i.e. sociale, mensgerichte AI die fundamentele rechten en vrijheden respecteert), inclusief de impact ervan op onze economie en samenleving.

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